Curious things for June 2013...

A few things before Summer...

1) The Mayvember Chapbooks have reached my Ottawa supporters, so presumably they’ve also found a home in Southern Ontario. Watch your mailbox, Montreal!

2) I wrote about two new above/ground releases; one being the latest Peter F. Yacht Club issue, the latter being Jill Stengel’s transporting tether. A bit of research into the reviews unearthed this origins tale of the Peter F Yacht Club by rob mclennan. It makes me want to travel back in time, ditch high school, move to Ottawa and play some bit role in the Club's early years.

3) Today I located old notes and wrote a no-longer-topical review of the last Grey Borders Reading Series event of the 2012/2013 season, which featured Christine McNairMark Goldstein, the poetry/music duo AroarA and the Dreamachine exhibit. Despite a crippling case of social anxiety, I can say it was a wonderful string of performances, probably the best I’ve seen all in one place. You can read about that below or right here.


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